INCHE | International Network for Christian Higher Education

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Announcing the 2024 Kuyers/INCHE/de Vries Conference on Teaching and Learning.

The Conference will be held October 10 - 12, 2024 at Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. Visit the Conference website for more information and to register.

Call for Papers

Announcing the 10th Kuyers Institute conference on teaching and learning. INCHE (International Network for Christian Higher Education) will again co-host, and this year we are also partnering with the de Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development.

Contemporary culture contains powerful forces that push toward a reduction of learning to some single facet. Whether it is a matter of reducing identity to political alignment, learning outcomes to countable skills or economic pragmatism, formation to individual academic success, or human flourishing to the material, the drive to simplify and control seems to repeatedly push us toward taking some part for the whole. Yet it is easier to talk about the integrity of creation and a holistic approach to learning and scholarship than it is to design approaches to faith-informed educational practices that can gain traction. The conference invites examination of how Christian approaches to teaching and learning can expand our understanding of how learners grow, and shape practices that resist reductionism and undergird a more holistic pursuit of student and teacher flourishing. How do we honor the coherence of Christian faith and life in teaching, learning, scholarship, and service in a reductionist age? Contributions are invited from any discipline, and from both empirical and conceptual perspectives.

Paper proposals of 1-2 pages, including 100-word abstracts‚ should be sent via e-mail to by June 14, 2024. For those submitting proposals from outside the US, please submit earlier to allow time for visa applications, if applicable to you.

Plenary Speakers